Spacetime 09/11 -
- neW projecT since 2009 - livE improvisatioN -bE oN eartH
ManuKlangFaktur is the name of my studio.
Auroratune its only a fun project for making music, we have no commercial interests. Thats why a completely own style developed over the years, which is shaped also by regularly occasional interaction with other musicians.
Auroratune means emotional melodies, down grooves, electronic sounds, perhaps the polar lights of the sound :-) influenced by: Baffo Banfi, J.M. Jarre, Kruder+Dorfmeister, The Orb, Fila Brazillia, Clearlight and many others.
All Music is produced by
- M a N u K l A n G f A k T u R -
that must unfortunately be: Copyrights of the music pieces offered here for the Download are naturally with me, to each attempt with my mental property, without my knowledge, money to earn are not only immorally but also punishable, because hereby expressly forbids. My email address: see below
this Site one updates, it is constantly worthwhile themselves thus again to visit!
M a n u K l a n g F a k t u r